Fidelity Guarantee

In today's world even with the most stringent controls and systems, organisations may sustain heavy financial losses due to dishonest acts of its employees therefore this policy covers the employer in respect of any direct financial loss which he may suffer as a result of employees dishonesty.


The Policy can pay the actual financial loss sustained as a result of the dishonesty/ fraudulent act of the employee. Amount payable under the policy is subject to adjustments against any salary, commission security deposit or any other money standing to the credit of the fraudulent employee.

The loss is payable up to the limit specified for the employee. The Policy does not pay more than one claim in respect of liability/loss arising out of an individual employee's acts.

Such financial losses sustained by your organisation due to acts of fraud by employees can be covered by this insurance.The Fidelity Guarantee policy provides cover against such eventualities.

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